Good morning from The Garden!

Have you ever just wanted to throw up your hands and quit?

Well, I have to admit that I have felt this way several times during the past year. I have been working on my bucket list, and I decided to dump the whole thing in at once. 

So, in addition to my other publications published in 2020, I am introducing my two new projects.    My children’s book DADDY, DADDY and DI’S DEVOTIONS FROM THE GARDEN VOLUME II  are going to print today.  Yahoo!  I’m so excited to be able to present these books to all of you.  Thank you to the crew at Alphagraphics—-Ramesh, Leah, Zac—-for being so encouraging and helpful.

But I said many times I wanted to give up.  The time wasn’t always perfect and there was always something to “mess me up” like the computer!   I was not sure if it was the God telling me that I was doing too much, or if it was the devil telling me to give up. But as always, God is faithful.  He stayed with me and encouraged me to keep going.  

Does this happen to you?  You start a project and then it becomes too difficult, you can’t understand the printed directions, or you just get tired, or you encounter too many outside distractions, or you desire to work on a different project—any of the above can make you want to give up before the project comes to completion.

But you don’t. You overcome your doubt, and suddenly your dedication pays off, and you look back on your job with pride.

Your walk as a Christian in this world can sometimes be a challenge in the same way. You get pressure from the outside world to give it up and go a different direction.

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7

God’s directions are clear. Under His watchful care, you can walk directly and faithfully toward the goals that God has placed before you. When the job is completed, you will look back on your life, smile with pride, and say, “Thanks!”. Then you will hear your Master say, “Well done, thy good and faithful servant.”

In the end that is truly all that matters.

Have a blessed day!
In Christian love,

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