Good morning from The Garden!

Why do you open your Bibles each day and look for God’s guidance? Why do you trust in His Word, knowing that it is true and everlasting? Why?

Because——“All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.——sooo that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.2 Timothy 3:16.

Studying the Holy Scriptures is like putting on clothes for the days. (thoroughly equipped) You can’t be fully dressed and ready until that is done.

Scripture is the breath of God just waiting to give you the life that God plans.

Think about the progression of this passage: The Word comes directly from God; The Word teaches the right way to live; The Word chastises you when you stray; The Word corrects your actions and helps you back on the right path; and The Word continues to train you daily to be a better “athlete” for running the race of life.

It is “useful” to say the least, so pick up His Word today and begin your training.

Have a blessed day!

In Christian love,


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