Good morning from The Garden!

“Busyness” follows us everywhere! Yes, even when we are vacationing or just spending time on the lake. There always seems to be something to do—-food to prepare, towels to wash, floors to sweep——busy, busy, busy!

We need to pause and can ask ourselves, “What am I busy doing?”

When we spend our time being busy, we often forget to make quiet time for listening to what God has to say to us.

Paul gives us the same scolding that he gave the church at Philippi.

“For everyone looks out for his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 2:21.

Jesus always reveals this: “I am your business! Others are your business!”

We must not let our busy schedules crowd out our time with God and our Christian concern for and service to others. Now, that would be a great resolution for the new year!

As we love others, we reveal our love for Christ; as we serve others, we serve Christ.

Have a blessed New Year!
In Christian love,

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