Good morning from The Garden!

I stood before a large glass door, hands full of packages, waiting for the door to open, and then I realized that it was not an automatic door? I was standing there waiting for something to happen that was never going to happen. I then glanced around to see if any one noticed and calmly put my shoulder to the door and walked through to the outside. The door was open(not locked), but I had to push on it myself to get through to the other side—-even though I was carrying a heavy load.

The Lord told His people at Mt. Horeb, “You have stayed long enough at this mountain.” Deuteronomy 1:6. He was telling His people that it was time to take that step in faith and move forward.

Sometimes we just simply wait on God to do something different in our lives—to open a door for us. We stand with a heavy load and feel we can’t do any more than we do. God is faithful. We can cling to our problems or we can cling to this promise: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13.

God is faithfully saying, “The door to the other side of your problem is already open—just push.”

Have a blessed day!
In Christian love,

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