Good morning from The Garden!

Blessed is the man who does NOT WALK in the counsel of the wicked or STAND in the way of sinners or SIT in the seat of mockers….” Psalm 1:1.

Notice carefully the progression of these words of wisdom.

Imagine this: You WALK through an area, glancing around, taking in the view, maybe thinking a little about what you are seeing. Then you come back to this same area and you begin walking, but decide to STAND around for a while. You are not planning to stay long, but now you have made a decision to really listen. You have made a commitment. The next step—-You come back through the third time and walk, stand, and then SIT. You are now beginning to change your opinion, or your attitude, or maybe even your heart.

The ungodly life does not come at you with a sledge hammer. It comes in small steps when you spend less time with God and more time sitting in the “way of mockers.”

Be cautious about the company that you keep on a daily basis. Do your friends support you in your faith; do the people around you lift you up to be the person God wants you to be?

Do not be misled; bad company corrupts good character.”  1 Corinthians 15:33. (My memory verse for this week.)

Where you linger becomes a part of who you are.

The Psalmist warns you NOT to linger with those who will guide you in the wrong direction.

Then the scripture continues:  “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night…..” Psalm 1:2.

Stay close to God and He will stay close to you and guide where you walk, stand, and sit each day.

Have a blessed day!
In Christian love,

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