Good morning from The Garden!

Are you guilty of saying, “I am so tired”? Being tired is often a state of mind and can be remedied by actually doing more. By doing more, you get things done and then feel rested. Well, I know you are thinking, “That’s the craziest philosophy I have ever heard.”

Okay, maybe it is, but as long as what you are doing is beneficial to yourself or to others, it will work.

Here is a simple example——I can worry about cleaning out that junk drawer for days, weeks, years—-or I can actually clean it out.  The choice is mine.  When I get it organized and cleaned out, I feel better,  the worry is gone, and I can rest.  It works on a grander scale in the same way.  Whether it is as simple as housework, or something that God is asking you to do for others, getting things done helps you rest.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9.

Paraphrased this scripture states: “Keep on keeping on and get it done.—when you do, you will rest.”
Have a blessed day!
In Christian love,

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