Good morning from The Garden!

I noticed this poem in Bible reading this morning. 

“Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by?  Look around and see.  Is any suffering like my suffering that was inflicted on me?……”  Lamentations 1:12.

It reminds me that suffering is personal; it is filled with heartache; it is sometimes hard to accept.  But this poem from the weeping prophet makes me think about others.

When suffering is personal, it is intense, but we can suffer with others in our hearts and our prayers.  We just need to look up and see.  This is why we have intercessory prayer.

When we see the suffering of others and respond,  it will get our minds off of self and turn our thoughts and prayers to others.  God will use our prayers to help heal those who are in need. 

Just look around and see.

Have a blessed day!
In Christian love,

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