Good morning from The Garden!

In my yoga exercise class we are asked to do various stretching exercises.  The point of these exercises is to strengthen the muscles that are made to be helpful, but that we rarely ever take the time to make them do the job they are meant to do.  

Balance seems to be the hardest challenge for me.  In order to stay balanced on one leg, I have to use muscles that I did not even know existed. Finding that perfect balance will eventually help me strengthen every part of my body so it can support me in my “older” age.

Balancing our daily lives can be just as challenging,–work, sports, grocery shopping, chauffeuring kids, TV binge watching, face book,, oh, yes, in there somewhere should be Bible study and prayer time and witnessing to others——–it takes planning and hard work to meet this challenge. “If you don’t plan your day, someone else will plan it for you.

If you don’t plan your Bible Study time, you will not have time left over for growth in God’s Word.  Your faith will be like the muscle that you never use.  It will become weak and useless.

Get a game plan for body and soul and stick to it.   You will find yourself stronger mentally, physically, and spiritually. 

Jesus is our ultimate example: ” And Jesus increased in wisdom and statue and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52.

Follow His example and see the results.

Have a blessed day!
In Christian love,

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