Good morning from The Garden!

We all think that we realize that life is fragile—that life is unpredictable—that life is short no matter how long we live.  We think it, but maybe we don’t live as if we know it.

I talked with a young man who experienced a miracle in his life.  He was on life support from having COVID.  He told me what it was like while he was on life support, and he shared with me the miracle of breathing once again on his own. He had another chance at life.—-a chance to hug his wife, a chance to watch his infant child grow, a chance to hear his son say, “I’m sorry for what I said, Dad!”

Just because I am calling it a miracle, does not mean it was an easy journey.  He had to learn to speak again, to walk again, and to do normal things on his own again.  But he lived to do all these things, and he is enjoying his family and working and loving every day.

I share this story because it is a reminder to us all to live in God’s love every day no matter the length of years.  No day is worth wasting!

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.…”  Psalm 118:24.

Can you make the commitment that we find in Joshua 25:15?  :”Choose you this day whom you will serve……… for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Make every day special; it is a gift from God!

Have a blessed day!
In Christian love,

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