Michael Nolan, son of Brad Nolan, prayers needed

My two sons, Alex(now 28) and Michael(now 20) were both born with Severe Hemophilia A. Simply put, they can’t stop bleeding on their own. So, they need medication all the time. Michael has experienced bleeding in this right ankle that has caused bone deterioration. And we have been told he has to have surgery to fuse the main joint in the ankle to his tibia, the big bone in the lower leg. He is in pain a lot right now and we await a surgical date. Please pray for him, his health both physical and mental, and the surgeon’s hands. And for his mom, Alicia Ervin Nolan. She is having a challenge with things. She is a carrier of the gene that caused the disorder and she bares a huge burden that I cannot remove from her heart. We love our children and know God has a plan for their lives. But in times like these our Faith is tested.

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