Good morning from The Garden!

In the classic novel THE SCARLET LETTER Nathaniel Hawthorne writes about sin and its effect on everyone. I can’t begin to tell you about the winding roads the author takes in telling the story of Hester Prynne, a young woman who has “sinned.” She has committed adultery and is required to wear the scarlet letter “A” for the rest of her life. The reason her adultery was public is because she had a child and she never married.

Hester accepted the punishment the village had placed on her and created ornate “A’s” on all of her clothing. The beautiful “A’s” irritated the people because they felt she was boasting her sin. Hester simply saw it as her penance and wore it as a confession of her sin. The impact of this story for the reader is that Hester obviously was not the only sinner in this village.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23.

The people of the village felt uncomfortable when she was around because the letter “A” on her chest reminded them of their own sins. Hester had confessed her sin, and had accepted God’s forgiveness. She went on with her life.

“The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23.

We do not have to wear the scarlet letter on our chest to tell others about our sins. We have a Heavenly Father who cared enough for us to bear this mark for us.

“We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD HAS LAID ON HIM THE INIQUITY OF US ALL.” Isaiah 53:6.

My prayer today is that you can see all that Christ has done for you, accept His forgiveness and love, and receive the peace that only Christ can give.

Have a blessed day!
In Christian love,

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