Good morning from The Garden!

Many years ago, rushing to see the homecoming parade, I fell and broke my arm. I guess that is bad news. There is also good news— Although it was painful, it healed.

Having a broken bone for the first time is merely a nuisance that lasts a short time. But it reminds me of the expression we often chanted as children.

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me.”

These words were a mockery and usually spoken with a hurting heart.

I am not sure who came up with that phrase, but I do know that broken bones will heal more quickly than a broken spirit shattered by harsh, careless words.

The heart of the righteous weighs its answers….” Proverbs 15:28.

It is important to have something to say, but it is equally important to think first and choose your words carefully. You should never explode with rhetoric without first weighing the impact of your remarks on another.

Taking the time to consider your answer helps you to express yourself in a way that will be constructive rather than destructive—you will build up, not tear down.

Broken bones heal quickly; a broken spirit takes much longer.

Have a blessed day!
In Christian love,

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