Good morning from The Garden!

Love is unconditional!

In spite of all that we do to keep God from liking us,—– He still loves.

Remember the first Bible verse you learned–For God so loved the world—–He loved first.

Because God loves the whole world, we should praise Him with our whole hearts.

“Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol Him, all you peoples. For great is His love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.
Praise the Lord.” Psalm 117

We shouldn’t put specific demands on God; we just simply follow His guidance and obey His Word.

The shortest chapter in the Bible states two reasons we should praise God:

His great love toward us and His faithfulness that endures forever.

If He did nothing else for us, He has already done enough! He is worthy of our highest praise!

Have a blessed day! 
In Christian love,

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